<a href=https://callmeconstruction.com/gardening/vegetable-garden/what-garden-vegetables-like-acidic-soil/>which garden vegatables like less acid soil</a>
If you need additional data <a href=https://callmeconstruction.com/gardening/vegetable-garden/what-garden-vegetables-like-acidic-soil/>https://callmeconstruction.com/gardening/vegetable-garden/what-garden-vegetables-like-acidic-soil/</a>
<p>The good news is that there is a wide variety of vegetables that tolerate, and even prefer, alkaline soil conditions. These vegetables have adapted to thrive in these environments, offering a delightful and diverse culinary experience. Let's explore some of the most popular and delicious options:</p>
<h4>b) Onions (<em>Allium cepa</em>)</h4>
<h3>Why is Soil pH Important?</h3>
<p>Carrots are another root vegetable that tolerates alkaline soil. Their crunchy texture and sweet flavor make them a versatile ingredient, from salads to soups to roasted vegetables. </p>
<p>Garlic, a close relative of onions, shares its preference for slightly acidic soil. However, it can tolerate alkaline soil, particularly if it is amended with compost. </p>